Pesan stop lain error 0x00000024
Bila anda mendapat pesan seperti diatas, ada beberapa cara untuk menanggulangi
* Baca informasi lebih lanjut dari information in the Microsoft knowledge base untuk memastikan masalah.
* Bila anda mengunakan beberapa harddisk, coba di lepas satu persatu untuk mengetahui harddisk yang bermasalah
* Jalankan CHKDSK /r untuk pemeriksaan harddisk, diharapakan computer dapat melakukan reboot dengan baik. Tetapi bila masih terjadi pesan 0x00000024 dan terjadi juga pada safe mode. Ada baiknya mengunakan langkah dengan software pembantu seperti Recovery Console atau WinPE.
* Lalu ganti file ntfs.sys driver untuk mengantikan file yang telah corrupt pada tempat yang sama dari backup copy in the %windir%\system32\dllcache . Bila pengantian file yang rusak masih memiliki masalah yang sama, ganti file dari folder %windir%\system32\drivers dari folder dllcache.
Laporan masalah Windows sangat banyak, terkait dengan software lain.
Info dari Microsoft atas error 24
Stop: 0x00000024
A "Stop: 0x00000024" error message occurs when Windows Vista encounters an unrecoverable error when it tries to access an NTFS partition or a volume on the hard disk. Typically, you receive a "Stop: 0x00000024" error message during Windows Vista Setup when one or more of the following conditions are true:• The file system or partition structure is corrupted.
• A driver compatibility issue exists. For example, the file system driver for an antivirus program or for other utility can cause this issue.
To troubleshoot a "Stop: 0x00000024" error message when you try to upgrade to Windows Vista, use one or more of the following methods, as appropriate for your situation.
Caution We recommend that you perform a full backup before you implement any of the following methods.
Method 1: Run the CHKDSK program
To run the CHKDSK (Chkdsk.exe) program, follow these steps:1. Use the Windows Vista DVD to start the computer in Windows Recovery (WinRE). For more information about how to start Windows Recovery, visit the following Microsoft Web site: en-US/Help/f768809f-ed90-415f-a83f-89b42108b3551033.mspx
2. In WinRE, open a command prompt. To do this, follow these steps:a. On the Install Windows screen, select the appropriate Language to install, Time and currency format, and Keyboard or input method options, and then click Next.
b. Click Repair your computer.
c. Click the Vista installation that you want to repair, and then click Next.
Note Click Load Drivers only if you have to load a driver to access a hard disk.
d. Click Command Prompt.
3. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
chkdsk drive: /r
Note In this command, drive is the hard disk where you want to install Windows Vista.
4. If Chkdsk.exe does not find and does not repair any errors on the hard disk where you want to install Windows, run Chkdsk.exe on any other NTFS hard disks on the computer. To verify the partitions that are configured on the computer, follow these steps:a. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
b. At the DISKPART prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
List vol
Note the hard disk information that is returned.
c. At the DISKPART prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
d. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
Method 2: Check for driver issues
Warning This workaround may make a computer or a network more vulnerable to attack by malicious users or by malicious software such as viruses. We do not recommend this workaround but are providing this information so that you can implement this workaround at your own discretion. Use this workaround at your own risk.
If you are upgrading to Windows Vista, follow these steps:1. Install updated disk controller drivers.
2. Uninstall any antivirus, any antispyware, or any backup programs that monitor the file system for changes.
3. Try to upgrade to Windows Vista again.
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